IDEAL SCIENCE & RESEARCH WELFARE HUB, a Trust, registered under Trust Act, was established through the continuous planning and collective efforts by some spirited personalities to promote their philanthropic interests. Mr. Partha Sarathi Hesh and Mr. Raghupati Goswami, men of sound. Keeping in view the above mission, the “IDEAL SCIENCE & RESEARCH WELFARE HUB” materialised their dream in reality through setting up of “IDEAL INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING” (IIE, Kalyani) at Kalyani Shilpanchal, Kalyani, Nadia through persistent effort, and strong determination of the pioneer trustee members. “IDEAL INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING”, approved by “ALL INDIA COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL EDUCATION” & affiliated to “WEST BENGAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY”, an ideal environment for educational pursuit, situated at the centre position of an educational zone surrounded by kalyani University, B.C.K.V (Agricultural University), Government Engineering College, Kalyani Medical College, Law College, Kalyani Mahavidyalaya and so many renowned educational institutions and research laboratories with zero pollution atmosphere. The Institution is spread across 5.76 acres of lustrous green land in a calm peaceful and charming landscape that make an ideal setting for serious study.
Education in 21st century needs to meet the demands of the digital decades and should armour the student with a global perspective. The jobcum market has expanded globally. India is taking forward to become a developed nation with an annual growth rate of about 10 %. To cater to the Indian need and also to the International Job Market, a large number of professionals technically trained are required to take up the challenge. The Ideal Institute of Engineering is developed to produce hardcore professionals who will venture out to take up the challenge and to participate in the global job market.

The Ideal Institute of Engineering will be guided by a noted academician, in the field of Engineering education, Prof. (Dr.) Nirmalendu Chatterjee, the Chairman of the Governing Body & the Director of IIE, Kalyani, to reach it’s high academic standard who has a vast experience of teaching and research at Jadabpur University. He is also enriched with the experience of his association with many universities of West Bengal in advisory capacity in the field of engineering as member of different academic bodies.
The Institute also has a highly qualified, technically proficient and experienced Principal, Prof. (Dr.) Asok Kumar, who has been proven himself in his own track as a hard core industrial professional and good administrator.
Moreover required numbers of qualified & experienced faculty and other supporting staff have been appointed here to render quality education to our students.